With a lot of interest in the area for youth cycling, the club is expanding youth focused events and training programmes. Most event information is on our social media channels & WhatsApp groups.

North Argyll Cycle Club

Mini Riders

We are starting our first bronze Mini-Riders sessions in Feb 2025 based at Atlantis in Oban.

The programme is an opportunity for young riders ages approx 4-8 to learn and improve their cycling skills and physical fitness in an age and stage appropriate environment. The programme aims to attract new riders to the sport, raise the profile of cycle sport and provide a pathway to develop more skillful riders in the future.

MTB Rides & Events

We are working towards more youth focused MTB rides, youth races and events in the Oban and surrounding area. Check out the dates for the winter league XC races which some will have kids specific courses. Look out for our Easter egg ride and a few more events coming in Spring. More details will be posted on our Facebook page, groups and WhatsApp chat.

Interested in helping?

With any youth activity, adult helpers are one of the main challenges in running sessions. You just need to be able to ride a bike and assist with keeping the kids going in the right direction. The main criteria is undertaking the NACC safeguarding requirements. This requires 2 references, attending an 3hr online CWPS (child welfare & protection in sport course) and attain a PVG check. Costs of this will be met by the club.

Parents can also get involved on an irregular basis without registering as an activity helper for things such as marshalling, time keeping, course setup at races and events. If you are keen to give a helping hand then please get in touch or give us a shout on the day.


Please see contact details for our WPO, along with policies and codes of conduct below.

Youth Contact

If you have any questions please contact our youth officer Shane on youth@nargyycc.co.uk.